Hurricane Helene Buncombe County CES Staff Update

— Written By
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Friends and neighbors,

We are currently facing unprecedented challenges throughout our community due to Hurricane Helene impacts. These are trying times for everyone in our community, including us here at Buncombe Ag and Land Resources. It is times like these when community takes on a heightened level of importance. Family, friends, and community members are all leaning on each other to lend a helping hand to those in need which has been encouraging and inspiring to see.

Our staff members are currently recovering like each of you. Some of us that are able to travel are volunteering at local distribution centers, while all of us are focused on helping our families and others within our local community. We are happy to report that our staff members and their families are safe. We recognize that not all members of our community can say the same, and our thoughts and prayers are with each of you during these difficult times.

We will share available resources to help agricultural operations, businesses, and homeowners within our community as we receive them. Know that we will do everything we can to continue to serve our mission, and help you during these trying times. All Buncombe County offices are currently closed until further notice, but we will continue to share resources online at our website and via our social media channels. See the resources posted below for updates at the county level, and for information about how you can help. In the meantime, thank you for your patience, and please continue to take care of yourselves and each other.


N.C. Cooperative Extension, Buncombe County Center Staff


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