Hurricane Helene: Available Resources/Aid

— Written By
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N.C. Cooperative Extension Logo
As damage assessments and recovery efforts get underway for farms and other agriculture operations, it is important to remember these important things as you apply for aid. This page will be updated as new resources are shared. Please have patience as we process needs, and continue to take care of yourselves and each other. If you have questions or specific needs, please email us and we will do our best to help direct you as internet, and phone service is restored.

CAMERAS BEFORE CHAINSAWS: Please take pictures of existing crops and any damage that has occurred.

RAFI on documentation for FSA:

  • 1. Document damage with dated photographs, videos, and third-party verification (non-family if possible).
  • 2. Make every effort to report farm damage to your local USDA Service Center to request assistance (if the office doesn’t answer, be sure to leave a voicemail).
    • Call your local USDA service center to seek pre-authorization to maximize your chances of getting cost-share reimbursements for repairs. If no one answers, leave a voicemail describing the damage and the repairs needed. If the line is down, you may call any county office in NC or you may call the state office listed below:

NC FSA State Office
4407 Bland Rd, Suite 175
Raleigh, NC 27609;
(919) 875-4800

(828) 254-0916 ext 2
(844) 325-6844 Fax

(Be prepared to leave your name and description of damage (include both emergency and long-term) and a list of repairs you are requesting funding for.)

  • 3. Farmers should start taking extensive notes in addition to pictures
    • – What damage you’ve experienced
    • – What repairs you need to do
    • – What costs you incur in implementing repairs
    • – RECEIPTS!
  • 4. If possible to wait, do not start permanent repairs and field restoration without FSA authorization. You may do emergency repairs, e.g. gates, fencing, etc.
    RAFI’s Crisis Hotline if you have questions or need assistance: 866.586.6746

How to apply for FEMA assistance

NC Dept of Agriculture and Consumer Services farmer hotline: 1-866-645-9403, open between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.

  • El Departamento de Agricultura y Servicios al Consumidor de Carolina del Norte ha activado su línea directa de emergencia climática para la agricultura; el número gratuito es 1-866-645-9403.

Fresh Produce Safety

Western NC
Elena Rogers – Area Specialized Agent- Food Safety/Fresh Produce or via phone at (828)352-2519

WNC Regional Livestock Center

Based in Canton, the livestock center is working to help farmers and animals who were affected by flooding. You can donate toward helping local farmers who need to buy feed for animals. The center also helps supply fencing and other essentials.

2024 Hurricane Helene Livestock Assistance Form

Website: 2024 Hurricane Helene Livestock Assistance Form (

A place to submit the needs that producers have and donations of supplies that people want to give. Both NCDA&CS and NCCES folks will have access to the responses. In the immediate term, we’ll work to match up supply/demand. Long term, working on a way to make available supplies visible to everyone.

Disaster Hay Assistance

Webiste: Disaster Hay Assistance
The Disaster Hay Assistance Portal is a resource that connects farmers who have lost their feed supply during a disaster with those who may have hay or feed to donate. No sales or transactions are made on this website. The requests and offers are collected and sent to NCSU Cooperative Extension, where they are matched and coordinated by Extension personnel.


Workers can go to any shelter open to the general public during emergencies. If workers need to be moved into alternative housing, growers should call Beth Rodman (NC Dept of Labor) before moving them (if possible) or as soon as possible. Rodman’s direct line is (919) 707-7810.

Emergency Preparedness for Farmworkers (

Vecinos is also operating in the region.

Produce Selling

If anyone has farmers in the region who need to sell their food, please email

AgSouth Farm Credit: If you need assistance please contact 844-AGSOUTH and you will be routed to a loan officer.

North Carolina Farm Help Line
Phone: 844-325-3276

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis or need assistance in connecting to mental and emotional support, the NC Farm Help Line is available by phone or text.

Request on-farm assistance from Blue Ridge Women in Agriculture: 828-412-0834 or, or complete this form.

Water treatment info from EPA 

Generator use safety from CDC

Food Safety: DPH’s Water and Food Safety and CDC’s Keep Food Safe After a Disaster or Emergency.