“Wednesdays in The Learning Garden” provides opportunities to Drop-In and Learn. Each month, selected gardens offer demonstrations and programs, while all our gardens will be open to the public.
Demonstrations include:
Planning a Drip Irrigation System: Learn to design and install a drip irrigation system in the home garden, from one raised bed or a few pots to a larger area of row crops or a large border. Discussion will include computing water needs, choosing equipment, and installing the system.
Summer Care of Roses. Heat and drought are hard on roses. We’ll talk about how much water your roses need, when and how to feed them, and how to keep black spot at bay.
Edibles in the Perennial Garden: Bronze fennel, a serviceberry tree, rhubarb are part of the Sun and Shade garden. Another area, under development, is a section that contains a variety of pie pumpkins. Come by and see how to incorporate edibles into your own garden.
Harvesting and Maintaining a Summer Vegetable Garden: July is the prime month for harvesting all the vegetables that were planted in the spring.
We will talk about the best harvesting tools and what time to harvest a variety of vegetables. Root crops such as beets, carrots and onions will also be harvested along with other vegetables.
Maintenance chores will be reviewed that are necessary for a successful vegetable garden.
Kids Corner: Family friendly gardening activities for the young at heart.
Our gardens open at 9 a.m. and demonstration programs will run between 10 and 11 a.m. Come, walk around, and soak in our lovely gardens! Most programs are informal and continuous – exceptions are noted above.