Seasonal Canning Series at WNC Farmers Market

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Seasonal Canning Series announcement with produce pictures

N.C. Cooperative Extension, Buncombe County Center, WNC Farmers Market and WNC Foodworks are partnering to provide seasonal canning series of classes this year. You can register for one class or register for all to learn various methods of canning. Each class will start with a tour of the market to explore the options of buying in bulk, then learning about the WNC Foodworks facility and ending with a hands on class where we will can together. Check out the times and the items we will be canning below.

We kick off with Heirloom Beans, then Tomatoes and finish up with Pumpkins and Winter Squash.

July 20th 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. – Heirloom Beans

One of the most popular foods to can is beans, but it can also be one of the riskiest to eat if not canned safely. Come, can beans together with us and learn the latest recommendations for canning your beans to use later in those wintertime casseroles. We will meet a farmer who will share information about the various heirloom beans we have in WNC. This class will cover using weighted and gauge pressure canners as well as discuss the importance of adjusting pressure for canning at higher altitudes.

Cost is $10 and Register for Heirloom Beans

July 27th 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. – Putting Up Tomatoes!

One of the best foods for learning how to can is tomatoes. In this hands-on class we cover canning tomatoes with a water bath canner and a pressure canner. Because we cover both methods of canning, this class allows you to experience both techniques. We will also discuss freezing and dehydrating tomatoes as other options for preserving them for future use.

Cost is $10 and Register for Putting Up Tomatoes

August 24th 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. – Repeat of Putting Up Tomatoes!

If you couldn’t come to the class in July, you can catch it again in August. One of the best foods for learning how to can is tomatoes. In this hands-on class we cover canning tomatoes with a water bath canner and a pressure canner. Because we cover both methods of canning, this class allows you to experience both techniques. We will also discuss freezing and dehydrating tomatoes as other options for preserving them for future use.

Cost is $10 and Register for Repeat of Putting Up Tomatoes

September 28th 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. – Canning Pumpkin and Winter Squash

Have you wanted to learn how to use a pressure canner? Have you wondered about the safest way to can winter squash? This class will cover the basics of pressure canning and review the ins and outs of canning winter squash. Whether you are a beginner or have canned before and want to learn more up-to-date recommendations, you will enjoy this hands-on canning class.

Cost $10 and Register for Canning Pumpkin and Winter Squash

Registration is required due to limited space.  All Classes will be held at the WNC Foodworks Teaching Kitchen on the property of WNC Farmers Market, 570 Brevard Rd Asheville NC 28806.